a permanent ban on internet taxes
A Permanent Ban On Internet Taxes? - Forbes.com
Aug 23, 2007 . WASHINGTON, D.C. -. By all accounts, it's fairly safe to say that Congress is not going to allow state and local taxes on Internet service, at least .
House passes Internet tax ban | Applications - InfoWorld
Sep 17, 2003 . House passes Internet tax ban . bill Wednesday that would permanently ban governments in the U.S. from levying taxes unique to the Internet.
http://www.infoworld.com/t/applications/house-passes-internet-tax-ban-669Democrats Block Goodlatte Amendment to Permanently Ban Internet
Instead of passing legislation to permanently ban Internet access taxes, Democrats acted on legislation which only temporarily extends the Internet tax .
Internet Tax Moratorium | Congress approves Internet-tax ...
Oct 31, 2007 . Senators who wanted a permanent ban on Internet taxes succeeded in lengthening a four-year extension passed overwhelmingly by the .
http://articles.latimes.com/2007/oct/31/business/fi-nettax31A Permanent Ban on Internet Access Taxation Risks Serious ...
Feb 11, 2004 . The House has already approved its version of a permanent ban on Internet access taxation, H.R. 49. In addition to barring taxes on monthly .
http://www.cbpp.org/2-11-04sfp.htm -
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Ban Internet taxes-Truth!
The U.S. Congress is Considering Extending a Ban On Internet Taxes-Truth! . and senators and demand that the ban on Internet taxes be made PERMANENT!
http://www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/t/taxes.htmSenate Passes Internet Tax Ban, Too | News & Opinion | PCMag.com
Oct 26, 2007 . Monthly Internet bills are safe from fees for now after the Senate late . have been loathe to support a permanent ban on Internet taxes. "Making .
Coming This Fall: Internet Taxes? | Phil Kerpen
Coming This Fall: Internet Taxes? The threat is real. By Phil Kerpen. Legislation in Congress to make the Internet tax ban permanent has strong bipartisan .
http://www.philkerpen.com/?q=node/150Possibility of Internet taxes rankles small businesses
Three bills have been introduced to make the tax moratorium permanent. Keating suggested that a permanent ban on Internet taxes would benefit small .
Internet Taxes Banned Until 2014
Oct 30, 2007 . States that already had Internet access taxes before the ban are Hawaii, New . In general Republicans wanted a permanent moratorium and .
http://www.marketingpilgrim.com/2007/10/internet-taxes-banned-until-2014.htmlGeorge W. Bush on Technology
Dec 16, 2011 . I also support a permanent ban on all Internet access taxes & hope that the House will ban these taxes so that the Internet is more affordable .